President Facts List: Interesting Trivia for Kids

Updated October 20, 2020
Mount Rushmore

President facts offer you a greater insight into their presidency. Knowing what each President accomplished can be eye-opening with revelations about the course of American history and guide you into the future when you can vote for this very important office.

President Facts About George Washington, 1789 to 1797

George Washington was a founding father of the United States of America. During the American Revolutionary War, General Washington served as Military Commander of the Continental armed forces.

  • 1st President of the United States (not affiliated with any party)
  • Defeated the English in the Revolutionary War.
  • Warned against having a two party political system.
  • At 17, Washington was appointed county surveyor for Culpeper County.
  • Washington was a Major in the French and Indian War at the age of 21.
  • Hiked through 900-miles of wildness to deliver a message to the French.
  • Nearly drowned in the Allegheny River during his trek to tell the French to leave.
  • Had network of spies during the Revolutionary War.

Facts About John Adams, 1797 to 1801

John Adams was one of the founding fathers of United States. He helped draft the 1776 Declaration of Independence for the United States of America.

  • 2nd President of the United States of America. (Federalist)
  • Was elected as Vice President under George Washington and served two terms.
  • Was known for being intensely articulate and passionate.
  • Believed in presumption of innocence and right to counsel.
  • Delegate to Continental Congress.
  • Principal leader of the American Revolution.
  • Negotiated peace treaty between United States and Great Britain.
  • First president to live in the White House.
  • Died on July 4, 1826 (same day as Thomas Jefferson).

Presidential Facts About Thomas Jefferson, 1801 to 1809

Thomas Jefferson was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He was known as the "silent member" of Congress because he was not good at public speaking. However, he contributed much to the creation of the nation through his writings.

  • 3rd President of the United States, served two terms. (Democratic-Republican)
  • 50 years of public service.
  • Author of Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.
  • Vice President to John Adams after losing bid for Presidency against Adams.
  • Supported Lewis and Clark Expedition.
  • Successfully purchased Louisiana Territory for United States, 1803.
  • Primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Father of the University of Virginia.
  • Virginia Governor (1779-1781)
  • Member of House Delegates.
  • Lawyer, gentleman scientist, architect, and writer.
  • Opposed Alexander Hamilton's big government plans, calling them pro-Britain.
  • Believed American democracy would serve to light the world.
  • Died on July 4, 1826 (same day as John Adams).

Interesting Facts About James Madison, 1809 to 1817

James Madison was one of the found fathers of the United States of America. He drafted the very important Bill of Rights. However, at the time he undertook the project, he didn't feel the Bill of Rights was necessary. He eventually changed his mind, realizing how important it was to have individual rights protected.

  • 4th President of the United States, served two terms. (Democratic-Republican)
  • Helped write the Federalist essays.
  • He was not known for his charm, but everyone loved his wife, Dolly.
  • Was president during the War of 1812.
  • Smallest US President at 5'4".
  • First graduate student of Princeton University.
  • Rival, Patrick Henry, prevented Madison's appointment to US Senate, 1788.
  • Accused Patrick Henry of failed attempt to manipulate Virginia voting district to prevent Madison's win in Houses of Representatives.

Facts About James Monroe, 1817 to 1825

James Monroe was a founding father of the United States of America. During the American Revolutionary War, 18-year-old Lieutenant Monroe served under General Washington.

  • 5th President of the United States of America. (Democratic-Republican)
  • Known for being incredibly honest.
  • His foreign policy platform, Monroe Doctrine, stated Europe Western Hemisphere would stay out of the affairs of the United States. In turn, the US would stay out of European affairs.
  • Was Thomas Jefferson's lawyer apprentice.

  • Worked for two Presidential administrations, Jefferson and Madison.

  • Ran second term Presidential campaign unopposed.

  • Died on July 4, 1831.

President Facts About John Quincy Adams, 1825 to 1829

John Quincy Adams was the first son of a former President (John Adams) to serve as President himself. He served as Secretary of State under in President Monroe's administration.

  • 6th President of United States of America. (Democratic-Republican)/(National Republican Party)
  • Considered one of greatest Secretary of State under President Monroe.
  • Assisted in developing the Monroe Doctrine.
  • Succeeded in Spain releasing all claims of Florida to United States.
  • Served the rest of his life in the House of Representatives.
  • Proposed a government funded network of canals and roads.
  • Fought against slavery.

Facts About Andrew Jackson, 1829 to 1837

Andrew Jackson joined the American Revolutionary War at the age of 13. Jackson's two older brothers died during the war, one from a stroke and the other from smallpox while a prisoner of the British. At 14 years of age, Jackson was the only surviving child when his mother died of cholera, leaving him orphaned.

  • 7th President of United States of America. (Democratic)
  • In 1806, he killed Charles Dickinson in a duel over a horse race argument. Jackson was wounded.
  • Captured by British along with his brother, Robert, in 1781.

  • Known for his fierce independence, charismatic personality and wild fun temperament.

  • Apprenticed as a lawyer in Salisbury, North Carolina.

  • Joined War of 1812 and was commissioned General and was victorious in battles.

  • His defense of New Orleans earned him hero status.

  • His men nicknamed him Old Hickory for his strong leadership.

  • Paid off national debt during his presidency.

  • Raised Native America child, orphaned in 1813 Battle of Tallushatchee.

President Facts About Martin Van Buren, 1837 to 1841

Martin Van Buren is most noted for his help in forming the Democratic party. The party sprang from a coalition of supporters of President Andrew Jackson known as the Jeffersonian Republicans.

  • 8th President of the United States of America, one term. (Democratic)
  • Was President Andrew Jackson's most trusted advisor.
  • Founder of Democratic Party.
  • Resigned as Governor of New York to serve as Secretary of State under Andrew Jackson.
  • Blamed for the Panic of 1837 financial crisis that triggered mass depression.
  • Refused admittance of Texas into the Union since Texas was a slave state.
  • Nicknamed Martin Van Ruin.

Facts About William Henry Harrison, 1841 (31 days)

William Henry Harrison had the shortest presidency in American history. He died 31 days after his inauguration.

  • 9th President of the United States of America. (Whig)
  • Known as a military hero for defending settlers against Indians.
  • Died of undiagnosed illness (possibly typhoid pneumonia).
  • First President to die in office.

John Tyler President Facts, 1841 to 1845

John Tyler was the first Vice-President to be promoted to the presidency due to President's death while in office. He was also the first President to have formal impeachment proceedings introduced. However, the House didn't act on the impeachment resolution.

  • 10th President of the United States of America. (Whig)
  • Believed President should set policy instead of Congress.
  • Vetoed bills to create a national bank and raise tariffs.
  • First President to have his legislation veto overridden by Congress.
  • Annexed Texas as a state three days before leaving office.

Facts About James Knox Polk, 1845 to 1849

James K. Polk served five consecutive terms as the Speaker of the House. He served one term as Governor of Tennessee and was considered Andrew Jackson's protégé.

  • 11th President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • Achieved all foreign and domestic policy goals.
  • Known especially for expanding the territory for the United States.
  • Acquired New Mexico and California, and Oregon as part of the nation.
  • Won Mexican-American War and withdrawal of Mexico from America Southwest.
  • Acquiring the territories in the south stoked debate over the expansion of slavery in the north.
  • Reduced tariff rates, 1846 Walker tariff.
James Knox Polk

Zachary Taylor Facts, 1849 to 1850

A descendant of Pilgrim leader Elder William Brewster, Taylor's family arrived on the Mayflower with Brewster being one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact. It was through this branch of the family that Taylor was the second cousin of the fourth President of the United States, James Madison.

  • 12th President of the United States of America. (Whig)
  • National hero in Mexican-American War.
  • Best known for threatening war on states that were willing to secede from the union.
  • Died 16 months into term due to mysterious stomach ailment, ruled as cholera morbus.

Millard Fillmore Facts, 1850 to 1853

Millard Fillmore took the office of President when President Taylor died. He was a staunch supporter of the federal government enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. This support proved to be the final straw for the Whig Party since the North opposed the Act and slavery.

  • 13th President of the United States of America. (Whig)
  • Supported the Compromise of 1850 giving the South the Fugitive Slave Act that forced the return of runaway slaves back to their owners regardless of the status of the state where they were captured. This compromise intended to stall the Southern Secession Movement, but it eventually failed.
  • Known for settling, or at least creating a truce regarding the territories that had been won from Mexico during the Mexican-American War.

Presidential Facts About Franklin Pierce, 1853 to 1857

Franklin Pierce is dubbed by many historians as the worst US President. His term was rather unmemorable except that he enforced the Fugitive Slave Act, which in turn fueled the abolitionists' anger.

  • 14th President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • His policies opened up the possibility of the expansion of slavery into the west.
  • Supported a transcontinental railroad.
  • Alienated abolitionists with his support of Kansas-Nebraska Act and Fugitive Slave Act.

  • Failed to purchase Cuba from Spain.

James Buchanan Facts, 1857 to 1861

James Buchanan was an advocate of states' rights, and he fought to decrease the federal government's role in the governing of states. He is viewed by many historians as an ineffective leader, since he didn't quell the rising call for Southern states to secede for the union.

  • 15th President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • Served as Secretary of State during President Polk administration.
  • Supported Supreme Court Dred Scott decision, denying slave's petition for freedom.
  • Only President to never marry.
  • Further divided the nation on the issue of slavery by his stance of letting the Supreme Court decide how states should join the union.

Abraham Lincoln Facts, 1861 to 1865

Abraham Lincoln was born and raised in a one-room log cabin, Lincoln understood poverty. He was an avid reader and was self-educated. He went on to become a lawyer and as President of the United States undertook the almost impossible task of leading the United States during the Civil War and ending slavery by freeing all the slaves.

  • 16th President of the United States of America. (Republican/National Union)
  • Considered secession of the states an illegal act.
  • Issued the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing all slaves in all the United States.
  • Served eight years in Illinois legislature.
  • Had four sons, but only one survived into adulthood.
  • Built and strengthened the Republican Party.
  • He was the first President to be assassinated.
  • General Grant changed his plans to attend Ford's Theater, so Lincoln went in his place.
  • Lincoln was reluctant to attend the performance at Ford's Theater.
  • Lincoln's body guard wasn't with him when John Wilkes Booth assassinated him.
Abraham Lincoln

President Facts About Andrew Johnson, 1865 to 1869

Andrew Johnson was Vice President when President Lincoln assassinated and took over the Presidency. He was the first US President to be impeached. Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act when he removed Edwin Staton, Secretary of War. The Act stated the president needed Congress's approval to dismiss appointed officials.

  • 17th President of the United States of America. (Democratic/National Union)
  • Johnson conducted reconstruction programs while Congress not in session.
  • When Congress convened, Republicans outraged that Johnson allowed Southerners to regain powerful positions.
  • Johnson pardoned anyone who took the oath of allegiance to United States of America.
  • Johnson allowed Southern states to pass laws against freedmen with "black codes."
  • Johnson vetoed the Republican's Civil Rights Act of 1866 to make all Negroes American citizens. The Act also prevented any form of discrimination against them.
  • Congress overrode Johnson's veto, and in spite of his veto granted citizenship to Negroes.
  • Johnson survived the 1868 House of Representative impeachment.

Ulysses S. Grant Facts, 1869 to 1877

An American hero, Grant led the Union Armies during the Civil War. He continued to fight during his presidency to restore the nation and ensure African Americans' rights were protected.

  • 18th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Best known for leading the North during the Civil War.
  • Commanding General of Union armies during the Civil War.
  • Brought the country back into one nation.
  • Lieutenant in the Mexican-American War.
  • Saw the ratification of the 15th Amendment protecting African Americans' right to vote.
  • Signed Enforcement Acts to protect African Americans, specifically authorized conviction of KKK (Ku Klux Klan) for voter suppression. Known as the Ku Klux Klan Acts.
  • Attorney General Amos T. Akerman used the Enforcement Acts to bring over 3,000 indictment against KKK members that resulted in 600 convictions.
  • The Enforcement Acts is credited with dismantling the white supremacist group, KKK.

Rutherford B. Hayes Facts, 1877 to 1881

Hayes was a lawyer, representative in the US House of Representatives, and served as Governor of Ohio. During Antebellum years, Hayes, as a lawyer, defended refugee slaves in court.

  • 19th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • His wife was the first to banish all liquors and wines from the White House.
  • Won by one electoral vote.
  • He supported the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson.
  • He supported the Republican Reconstruction policies, but sought to solidify the country by ending Reconstruction.
  • Through compromise agreed to remove federal troops from South as end of Reconstruction.
  • Democrat Congress passed the 1879 army appropriation that carried a rider that repealed the Enforcement Acts. These acts were responsible for suppressing the Ku Klux Klan and making voter suppression of freedmen (former slaves) a crime.
  • Hayes vetoed the Democrat Congress appropriation and restored the law to protect freedmen voters.
Portrait of US President Rutherford B. Hayes

Facts About James Garfield, 1881 (Assassinated)

Jame Garfield was the second President to be assassinated. (6.5 months after taking office). He stated the Civil War was a holy crusade fighting against Slave Power.

  • 20th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Served nine terms in US House of Representatives.
  • Believed in the gold standard and warned about the pitfalls of issuing money that is not backed up by gold.
  • Was successful at strengthening federal authority over the New York Customs House.

Chester A. Arthur Facts, 1881 to 1885

Chester A. Arthur was Vice President when President Garfield was assassinated and took over the office of Presidency. He supported and presided over the revitalization of the US Navy after the American Civil War.

  • 21st President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Part of his political platform was for more funding for the education of African American and white schools alike.
  • Known for championing Civil Service causes and helping pass the Pendleton Act, which prevented people from being removed from office for political reasons.
  • Vetoed the Chinese Exclusion Act that sought to ban Chinese laborer immigration for 20 years. The Act also denied Chinese immigrants American citizenship. Congress revised the Act to 10 years and Arthur signed it.

Facts About Grover Cleveland, 1885 to 1889 and 1893 to 1897

Grover Cleveland was the first Democratic President elected after the Civil war. He pursued a policy to stop granting special favors to economic groups and vetoed a bill for $10,000 seed grain distribution to drought suffering farmers in Texas.

  • 22nd and 24th President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • Only President to serve two terms non-consecutively.
  • Was the only President to be married while in the White House.
  • Known and blamed for advancing an acute depression with the policies he implemented.
  • Abandoned by Democratic party in 1896 election when William Jennings Bryan was nominated for the ticket.

Benjamin Harrison Facts, 1889 to 1893

Benjamin Harrison was the grandson of the 9th President of the United States, William Henry Harrison. He was the great-grandson of one of the founding fathers and signer of the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Harrison V.

  • 23rd President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Known for creating and promoting numerous programs that helped expand the military, the railroads, and other systems in the United States.
  • Unsuccessful attempts to secure federal funding for education of African Americans and enforcing voting rights for African Americans.
  • Known for many economic achievements that benefited America, including the McKinley Tariff (raised tariff on imports by 50%), Sherman Antitrust Act (regulate competition between businesses).
  • Accelerated the amendment to the Land Revision Act of 1892 to create the national forest reserves.
  • Admitted six western states in the Union during his Presidency.
  • Modernized and strengthened the US Navy.

Facts About William McKinley, 1897 to 1901

William McKinley was elected to two terms as President. However, within seven months of his second term, he was assassinated, making him the third President to be assassinated in office.

  • 25th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Congress declared war on Spain to help fight with Cuba for independence from Spanish rule, in spite of McKinley's attempts to reach a negotiation with Spain. The explosion of the USS Maine that killed 266 Americans was the last straw for congress.
  • Unsuccessful in attempts to secure federal funding for education and enforcing voting rights for African Americans.
  • Known for many economic achievements that benefited American workers to compete in the global market with the McKinley Tariff (raised tariff on imports by 50%), Sherman Antitrust Act (regulated competition between businesses) and his stance on trade reciprocity.
  • Accelerated the amendment to the Land Revision Act of 1892 to create the national forest reserves.
  • Admitted six western states in the Union during his Presidency.
  • Modernized and strengthened the US Navy.

Theodore Roosevelt Facts, 1901 to 1909

Vice President Theodore Roosevelt became President upon the assassination of President McKinley. He organized and led the Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War in Cuba and returned home a national hero.

  • 26th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Forged and expanded new conservation projects.
  • Established five National Parks.
  • Won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in mediating the Russo-Japanese War.
  • He was an advocate and supporter of public interest over big business and labor.
  • Led nation into active participation in world politics with a focus on Europe and Asia.
  • Secured the route and construction on the Panama Canal.
  • Brought 40 antitrust cases using the Sherman Antitrust Act to break up large conglomerates.
  • Considered one of the greatest Presidents.
  • Lost run for office as president in 1912 under newly formed Progressive party.
Portrait of American President Theodore Roosevelt

Facts About William Howard Taft, 1909 to 1913

William Howard Taft was the first US President to also be appointed as a Chief Justice of the United States. In 1921, President Harding appointed him as the tenth Chief Justice of the United States (1921-1930). As a federal judge, he always had his eye on the being nominated to the Supreme Court. He Served as Secretary of War in the Roosevelt administration.

  • 27th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Taft's unpopularity overshadowed any good that his administration did, which included Congress's approval of a federal income tax, and the establishment of a postal savings system.
  • Reorganized the State Department stating it had been formed to meet the country's needs of 1800 and not 1900.
  • Brought 70 anti-trust suits in four years to break up companies under the Sherman Antitrust Act.
  • He later wrote that he, "Barely remembered he was President," as he considered his greatest achievements to be on the judiciary bench.

Woodrow Wilson Facts, 1913 to 1921

Woodrow Wilson served two terms as President of the United States. Prior to being elected president, he served as governor of New Jersey.

  • 28th President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • Led the United States into WWI by asking Congress to declare war on Germany. (1914-1918)
  • Supporter of Progressivism and pushed progressive legislative policies.
  • First Southerner elected president since Civil War.
  • Passed several key pieces of legislation, including child labor laws, and the establishment of the eight-hour workday.
  • Established the Federal Trade Commission to promote fair business practices.
Early 1900s US president, Woodrow Wilson

Presidential Facts About Warren Harding, 1921 to 1923

Warren Harding served four years in the Ohio State Senate and later elected Lieutenant Governor of Ohio. He lost the election for Ohio governor, but won the seat in the US Senate.

  • 29th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Peace treaties were signed during his administration formally ending the war.
  • Helped establish the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Harding was a supporter of the World Court and wanted the United States to join as a member.
  • Was the first American president to travel to Alaska.
  • Was first sitting US president to visit Canada.
  • Appoint four US Supreme Court Justices.

Calvin Coolidge Facts, 1923 to 1929

He became President when President Coolidge died suddenly during his first term. President Coolidge was Governor of Massachusetts prior to being Vice President of the United States. He was reelected in 1924 and known to be very conservative.

  • 30th President of the United States of America. (Republican).
  • Advocated and advanced small government.
  • Known as the President, who did nothing, having pledged to maintain the status quo of prosperity that was happening in the country at the time.
  • His governing style was known as "Coolidge prosperity."
  • A man of few words, he was gracious in welcoming all sorts of delegations to the White House.
  • Called for tax cuts.
  • Supported limited financial aid to farmers and when vetoed two farm relief bills.
  • Stopped plans for Tennessee River Federal electric power plant.
  • Believed in isolation in foreign policy.

Facts About Herbert Hoover, 1929 to 1933

Prior to being president, during WWI, he was in charge of the Commission for Relief in Belguim that provided food for occupied Belguim. He was later appointed as director of the U.S. Food Administration by President Wilson and was dubbed the "Food Czar" by the public. He later served as the third US Secretary of Commerce under President Harding. He supported the development of the radio and helped with the push to develop air travel. He was in charge and led the federal response to the 1927 Great Mississippi Flood.

  • 31st President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • He was considered the scapegoat for the Great Depression when the stock market crashed a few months after he took office.
  • He asked Congress to create the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Program to assist businesses and farmers.
  • The proposed federal program included banking reform and federal loans to states to help feed the unemployed.
  • Hoover's program also proposed public works expansions and a drastic step in reducing government spending.
  • He blamed political Congressional opponents of sabotaging his proposed program for political gain.

  • He was defeated for reelection in 1932.
  • Strongly opposed Rossevelt's New Deal as a powerful and outspoken critic.

Franklin D. Roosevelt Facts, 1933 to 1945

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first US President to win four consecutive terms. He died only 23 days into his fourth terms. He previously has served in the New York Senate (1910). President Wilson appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and he was the Democratic nominee for Vice President in 1920. He contracted polio in 1921 that left him on crutches and later in life confined to a wheelchair. Two years after his death, Congress passed the 22nd Amendment limiting presidents to two terms in office.

  • 32nd President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • Known for saying, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."
  • Theodore Roosevelt was his fifth cousin.
  • Introduced the "New Deal" for recovery.
  • Introduced Social Security.
  • Increased taxes on wealthy.
  • Took the nation off the gold standard.
  • Installed work relief program for unemployed.
  • The Supreme Court invalidate many of his New Deal measures.
  • In response, Roosevelt attempted to pack the Supreme Court but lost.
  • Struggled to keep US out of WWII until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and pulling the United States into World War II.
Restored vintage American history painting of President Franklin Roosevelt seated at a desk

Harry S Truman Facts, 1945 to 1953

Harry S Truman was Vice President of the United States when President Roosevelt died. He took over the office of President and was re-elected to serve a second term. When he first became president, he was unaware of the atomic bomb being developed or the threat of Soviet Russia. He stated, "I felt like the moon, the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me."

  • 33rd President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • Inherited the Presidency from Roosevelt, when Roosevelt passed away suddenly in 1945.
  • Ordered atomic bombs to be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, forcing Japan's surrender in the war.
  • Expanded on Roosevelt's policies with what was known as "The Fair Deal."
  • Established NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).
  • Contributed substantially to modern day foreign relations policies.

Facts About Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953 to 1961

Prior to becoming President, Dwight D Eisenhower was an Army five-star General and Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe. From 1942 to 1943, Eisenhower planned and oversaw the North Africa invasion. He also planned and implemented the successful Normandy Invasion of the Western Front (1944-45).

  • 34th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Sponsored and signed Civil Rights Act of 1957
  • Sent troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce desegregation and initiated desegregation of military troops as well.
  • Ended Korean War.
  • Known in foreign policy as expanded and eased tensions of the Cold War.
  • He was a witness to the United Nations Charter signing.
  • Expanded Social Security.
  • Made Fair Employment Practices Act permanent under the Fair Deal.
  • Instituted the Full Employment Program.

John F. Kennedy Facts, 1961 to 1963

John F. Kennedy was a World War II hero. He was assassinated in Dallas, Texas during his first term in office.

  • 35th President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • His most famous quote from his inaugural address was: "... ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.."
  • Was the fourth President to be assassinated in office.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro failed.
  • Committed USA to land on the moon.
  • Successfully "convinced" Russia to remove missiles in Cuba.
Postage stamp Ajman 1970 John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)

Lyndon B. Johnson Facts, 1963 to 1969

Known as LBJ, Lyndon B. Johnson served as Vice President under President Kennedy. He took the oath of office of president when President Kennedy was assassinated. He went on to be re-elected, but didn't seek a second term.

  • 36th President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • Was Vice President and took over presidency when President Kennedy was assassinated.
  • Sent troops to fight in Vietnam War against the communist regime of North Vietnam.
  • Pushed through Congress, "The Great Society Program", a massive legislation expanded services to the impoverished, aid to education, beautification projects, and other programs, including Medicare.

Facts About Richard Nixon, 1969 to 1974

Richard Nixon served as Vice President under President Eisenhower. He was forced to resign his presidency in 1974 during his second term in office.

  • 37th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Best known for the Watergate scandal which led to his resignation.
  • Brought an end to fighting in Vietnam.
  • Improved foreign policy with both communist Russia and China.
  • Established Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Only US President to resign from office.

Facts About Gerald Ford, 1974 to 1977

Gerald Ford was Vice President when President Nixon resigned. He was sworn in as President of the United States upon Nixon's departure.

  • 38th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • Was Nixon's appointed Vice President after Vice President Spiro T Agnew resigned from office in 1973 for charges of evading taxes and taking bribes.
  • Ford became President when Nixon resigned over Watergate.
  • Gave a full pardon to Nixon.
  • Vetoed 39 measures during his first 14 months in office to help decrease the national deficit.

Jimmy Carter Facts, 1977 to 1981

Jimmy Carter served as Georgia State Senator and 76th Governor of Georgia before being elected as president.

  • 39th President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • Despite increasing jobs and decreasing the budget deficit, his administration is most notably connected with inflation and high interest rates.
  • Best remembered for the Iran Hostage Crisis and failed US rescue attempt.
  • Immediately pardoned all draft dodgers of the Vietnam War with Proclamation 4483 after he took office.
  • Created Department of Education and Department of Energy.
  • After his Presidency, he was actively involved with Habitat for Humanity and championed human rights causes.

Facts About Ronald Reagan, 1981 to 1989

Former movie actor turned politician, Ronald Reagan was Governor of California for two terms, choosing not to run for a third term. He was one of the most popular Presidents in US history and won with a whopping 400 more electoral votes than his opponent, incumbent Jimmy Carter.

  • 40th President of the United States of America. (Republican)
  • By the end of his administration, American had had its longest period of peace with no economic recession or depression.
  • Reaganomics: Trickle-down economics system revolutionized economic perspective/outlook.
  • Conquered the Cold War by fortifying national defense program.
  • Rebuilt American patriotism after destruction of Vietnamese War era.
  • Appointed Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
  • Met with Gorbachev to eliminate medium-range missiles.
  • In 1987, what's known as his Berlin Wall speech, he said, "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall." (East/West Berlin wall).
US President Ronald Reagan giving a speech

Facts About George H. W. Bush, 1989 to 1993

George Herbert Walker Bush served as Ambassador to the United Nations during the Nixon administration and Chief of the Liaison Office to the People's Republic of China during the Ford administration. Was defeated in 1980 by Reagan for Republican primary, but was Reagan's vice president. Bush won the presidency in 1988, but lost his 1992 bid for reelection to Bill Clinton.

  • 41st President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • Sent troops into Kuwait to expel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait.
  • Invaded the Panama Canal and brought Manuel Noriega to the United States to be tried as a drug trafficker.
  • Signed Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
  • Appointed David Souter and Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court.

William J. Clinton Facts, 1993 to 2001

William J. Clinton served as Governor of Arkansas for two non-consecutive terms. He later served two terms as President of the United States.

  • 42nd President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • By the end of Clinton's administration, the national budget had a surplus for the first time in decades. His administration is associated with economic prosperity.
  • Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 to deal with crime and law enforcement with over 100,000 new law officers.
  • Ratified the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, signed by Canada, Mexico and the United States that took manufacturing jobs out of the United States.
  • Enjoyed unprecedented popularity abroad, drawing huge crowds where he traveled based on his platform of worldwide cooperation in drug trafficking, and US style democracy.

George W. Bush Facts, 2001 to 2009

George W. Bush (GW) was the son of President George HW Bush. His presidency marked the second time a father and son were both presidents (John Adams and John Quincy Adams). Prior to his presidency, Bush was the 46th governor of Texas (1995 to 2000).

  • 43rd President of the United States of America.
  • Pushed through Congress the "No Child Left Behind Act", a bipartisan educational initiative.
  • Responded to terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon by invading Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • Implemented greatest organizational changes since WWII in national security institutions.
  • Created Department of Homeland Security.
  • The U.S. Military successfully deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

Facts About Barack H. Obama, 2009 to 2017

Barack H. Obama was the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a US Senator, but resigned during his first term when elected president. He served two terms.

  • 44th President of the United States of America. (Democratic)
  • Received Nobel Peace Prize mid-way his first year in office.
  • Pushed for Green Energy.
  • Ended war in Iraq, but returned troops to police region.
  • Signed Affordable Care Act, but after second year, premiums skyrocketed as did deductibles.
  • Repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Act so LGBTQ+ community could serve openly in US military.
  • Signed The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replacing the No Child Left Behind Act to give each child opportunities to succeed.
  • Signed The Hunger-Free Kids Act.
  • Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
  • Signed The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act (DACA).
US President Barack Obama addresses a townhall

Facts About Donald J. Trump, 2017 - (Incumbent)

Donal J. Trump was a successful real estate developer and TV personality. He won the 2016 presidential election against Hillary Clinton, whom the media touted would be the winner.

  • 45th President of the United States of America. (Republican)

  • Confirmed two Supreme Court Justices: Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, nominated a third, Amy Coney Barrett.

  • Ended NAFTA and renegotiated with the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement.
  • Rebuilt depleted US military.
  • Sponsored and signed VA Choice Act (right to choose healthcare outside VA network), Right-To-Try legislation (experimental drugs to terminally ill), Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, and First Step Act (prison reform).
  • Signed Executive Orders to protect Pre-Existing Condition.
  • Signed executive order to end Death Tax (taxing estate of deceased).
  • Placed tariffs on China and defeated ISIS.
  • Brokered Israel-United Arab Emirates peace agreement, Israel and Bahrain peace agreement, and Kosovo and Serbia peace agreement.
  • Sponsored and signed Platinum Plan for Black Americans with $500 billion increase for economic capital within Black communities and designated KKK (Ku Klux Klan) and Antifa as terrorist organizations.
  • Signed executive order creating the Council for the American Worker and establishing apprenticeship programs.
  • Created a new branch of the military, the Space Force.
  • Received three Nobel Peace Prize nominations for 2021.
US President Donald Trump greets supporters

President Fact List

A president fact list is never-ending. However, a few quick facts listed about each president can get you started in researching other accomplishments, achievement, challenges, and even failures.

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