Free Spelling Worksheet

Learning to spell is fun!

Spelling is a key skill that is critical to a child's success in school and life after school. While some children may seem inherently better spellers than others, all children can learn the techniques necessary to be successful. The key to spelling, as with many other subjects is repetition, memorization and familiarity.

First Grade Spelling

First grade spelling activities need to be fun, engaging and short. Do not overwhelm children in the first grade with long lists of words or words that are not familiar to them. When you use familiar words, it makes it easy for students to relate what they are learning to their surroundings. Try grouping your spelling words, according to a theme. For instance, you can group words by long or short vowel sounds, colors, days of the week, numbers, months etc..

If you need help downloading the printable worksheets, check out these helpful tips.

First Grade Spelling Words and Worksheet
free spelling worksheet for learning numbers
First Grade Spelling Words
First Grade Spelling Worksheet

Second Grade Spelling

Themed spelling word lists are a great way to teach new spelling words to second grade students. Provide a list of words at the beginning of the week and base spelling activities around these words. Word scrambles, easy crossword puzzles, cut and paste activities and groups spelling games are fun and interactive ways to help students become great spellers. The spelling free downloadable worksheet is based on a fun summer theme. Use this worksheet, as school is getting ready to let out for the summer. Break the word list into a two week study to make it manageable.

Second Grade Spelling Words and Worksheet
free spelling worksheet for second grade summer words
Summer Fun Spelling Word List
free spelling worksheet for second grade
Grade 2 Spelling Worksheet

Third Grade Spelling

High-frequency words are important in third grade. Make a list of high-frequency words and base activities around these words. Choose no more than fifteen words weekly and try to categorize words around a theme or other commonality. Putting words in alphabetical order is a great way to enhance learning.

Third Grade Spelling Words and Worksheets
Third Grade Spelling Story
Third Grade Spelling Words

Fourth Grade Spelling

Fourth grade is a great time to teach suffixes and prefixes. Incorporating word ending into spelling lists is easy and gives students a chance to practice dropping, doubling and adding letters. Do not study more than two endings per week.

Fourth Grade Spelling Words and Worksheets
Fourth Grade Spelling Words
Fourth Grade Spelling Worksheet

Fifth Grade Spelling

Fifth grade spelling words should challenge students who should be able to find words quickly in a dictionary, write their meaning and than use them in a unique sentence correctly.

Fifth Grade Spelling Words and Worksheet
Fifth Grade Spelling Words
Fifth Grade Spelling Worksheet

Sixth Grade Spelling

Students in sixth grade should have at least one challenging spelling activity to complete each day. Frequently misspelled words should be addressed first before moving on to more advanced words. Learning how to correctly spell frequently misspelled words will considerably improve both writing and reading skills.

Sixth Grade Spelling Words and Worksheet
Sixth Grade Spelling Worksheet


The trick to helping kids gain spelling skills is to both challenge and motivate them. Reward students who do well and encourage those who struggle. Some teachers find it helpful to create a few spelling levels in order to accommodate children at different learning levels. Remain optimistic and keep activities for the younger children short in order to keep their attention.

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Free Spelling Worksheet